Exhibition Terms
and Conditions

[1] Fulfillment of terms and conditions

Exhibitor (including a co-exhibitor; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall comply with the respective provisions of the following terms and conditions, as well as the “exhibition information” and exhibitor manual provided by the organizer (part of which is as cited in the terms and conditions on exhibition as described below). If the organizer determines that Exhibitor is in breach of any of those terms, it may at any time refuse Exhibitor’s exhibition application or cancel Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition or demand that Exhibitor remove or change its booth, displays or decorations. In which case, the organizer will not disclose the grounds for its decision to take such action. Further, the organizer will not refund any portion of the expenses prepaid by Exhibitor nor will it compensate for any damage incurred by Exhibitor or its related persons as a result of the cancellation of Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition, removal or change of its booth, displays or decorations.

[2] Exhibitor qualification

2-1. Exhibitor must be a company, organization or association that conforms to the purpose of holding the exhibition as specified by the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to conduct an exhibitor screening according to the exhibitor criteria introduced by its secretariat office and determine whether a company that applies for the exhibition meets those exhibitor criteria.
2-2. To be permitted as Exhibitor, an exhibitor must be a domestic or overseas manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, distributor, publisher or other company that offers products that can be categorized as any of the prescribed product groups, or services related to those products. All exhibit objects must be detailed in the application form. Exhibitor is not allowed to exhibit any product, service or other item that violates any intellectual ownership (e.g., a patent right, trademark right or other rights) or domestic law of Japan.

[3] Exhibition application and payment of an exhibition fee

3-1. To apply for the exhibition, Exhibitor must fully and properly enter the exhibition application form available on the official website and submit (transmit) the same to the organizer. Once the form is so submitted, it will be deemed that Exhibitor has agreed to comply with the terms and conditions.
3-2. The application becomes formal when the organizer confirms Exhibitor’s payment of the exhibition fee billed by the organizer based on the necessary information entered to the “exhibition application form” that has been acknowledged by Exhibitor.
3-3. Exhibitor is required to make a remittance of the applicable exhibition fee no later than the due date specified by the organizer. If no remittance is made by the due date, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the application.

[4] Cancellation/withdrawal of participation in the exhibition

4-1. Once an exhibition application form is received by the organizer, Exhibitor is not allowed to cancel or withdraw its participation in the exhibition. If Exhibitor has any unavoidable reason to cancel or withdraw its participation in the exhibition wholly or partially, it shall seek instructions from the organizer and submit a notification to that effect to the organizer in the specified manner. The cancellation or withdrawal of Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition shall become effective when the organizer receives the notification, and accordingly, the prescribed cancellation fee shall become payable by Exhibitor to the organizer.
4-2. Cancellation fee
- After receipt of the application and on or before Tuesday, January 23, 2023 / 50% of the billed amount
On or after Wednesday, January 24, 2023 / 100% of the billed amount
4-3. In the event that the organizer determines that Exhibitor is in breach of the “Exhibition Terms and Conditions” or other terms, it reserves the right to cancel Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition even after the organizer formally received the exhibition application form from Exhibitor.
4-4. The organizer reserves the right to cancel Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition if it has been unable to contact Exhibitor or determines that Exhibitor has no willingness to participate in the exhibition even after the organizer confirmed Exhibitor’s payment of the exhibition fee.

[5] Assignment of an exhibit space

5-1. An exhibit space assignable to Exhibitor will be determined by the organizer based on the booth layout and forms specified by the organizer and according to the prescribed procedures. Exhibitor accepts the space consequently assigned.
5-2. Under no circumstances may Exhibitor exchange for another exhibit space, transfer, lend or otherwise trade the whole or part of its exhibit space with or to any other person.
5-3. If an exhibition application is canceled or otherwise revoked, the organizer reserves the right to change the booth layout already made known.

[6] Submission of documents

After the organizer formally receives Exhibitor’s exhibition application form, Exhibitor shall deliver to the organizer all documents whose submission is requested by the organizer no later than the designated due date. If Exhibitor fails to meet the due date, the organizer reserves the right to decide whether it should fulfill the matters intended under Exhibitor’s exhibition application.

[7] Terms and conditions on participation in the exhibition

7-1. The company, organization or association and products or services stated in the exhibition application form are eligible to be exhibited under that exhibition application.
7-2. Exhibitor shall report to the organizer promptly upon any change to the company, organization or association, products or services stated in its exhibition application form.
7-3. How to install, remove and exhibit decorations, displays and other items are as prescribed in the “exhibitor manual” provided by the organizer, with which Exhibitor shall comply.
7-4. Exhibitor may not conduct an exhibit, or promotional, sales or similar activities anywhere in the aisle or other areas other than its booth.
7-5. Exhibitor is prohibited from committing any act that bothers other companies, such as a demonstration that emits intense light, heat, odor or loud noise, or any act that interferes with neighboring exhibits. The organizer will determine whether there is such interference or whether such demonstration or other act is significantly bothersome to other companies and may demand that Exhibitor discontinue or change its exhibit. Exhibitor shall comply with such demand.
7-6. Exhibitor shall comply with all fire prevention and safety-related laws and regulations and administrative guidance applicable to the exhibition site.
7-7. In the event that the organizer determines that Exhibitor has committed any act that bothers others including visitors and other exhibitors (e.g., aggressive sales activities, solicitation, defamation, obstruction of another’s business or any other act equivalent thereto) during or after the exhibition, it reserves the right to stop Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition or refuse Exhibitor’s subsequent exhibition applications.
7-8. The organizer shall not be responsible for the provision of goods or services involving the exchange of cash (spot sale), business negotiations or details of a contract that may take place or be made between Exhibitor and its visitors during or after the exhibition.
7-9. Correction of any error that may be discovered in the invitation tickets, exhibition guidebook or other materials prepared for the exhibition will be announced on the official website with no replacement of those printed or other materials.

[8] Liability for damages

8-1. The organizer shall not be liable for any injury, damage or harm to a human or object resulting from the use of the exhibit space by Exhibitor, any of its employees or related persons for whatever reason. Further, the organizer shall not be liable for any injury, damage or harm to a human or object caused by any reason attributable to Exhibitor or any of its related persons, such as its carelessness.
8-2. Exhibitor shall immediately compensate for all kinds of damage to a human or object caused in the exhibition site by any reason attributable to Exhibitor, any of its employees, related persons or agent, such as its carelessness.
8-3. If the organizer determines that it is difficult to hold the exhibition due to a natural disaster, strike, terrorism, spread of disease or other force majeure, it reserves the right to change the schedule, shorten the period of, or cancel the exhibition. In which case, the organizer shall have no obligation of refund or compensation of the exhibition fee and other expenses required by Exhibitor to participate in the exhibition. However, a partial refund of the exhibition fee may be available pursuant to the regulations separately provided for by the organizer if the organizer is forced to cancel the exhibition according to guidance of the government or a government-affiliated agency.
8-4. The organizer will not compensate for any damage to Exhibitor or any of its related persons caused by a natural disaster, transportation delay, social unrest or any other unforeseen occurrence.

[9] Elimination of Antisocial Forces

9-1. Exhibitor represents that Exhibitor, its agent or intermediary does not currently fall under, and assure that none of them will fall under, an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person for whom five (5) years have not elapsed since he/she ceased to be a member of an organized crime group, a quasi-member of an organized crime group, a company related to an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, a social or other movement racketeer, a special intelligence violence group, or any other person equivalent thereto (hereinafter collectively, a “Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc.”), or any of the following items.
(1) It has a relationship with a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. where it is apparent that the Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. has control over its management;
(2) It has a relationship with a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. where it is apparent that the Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. is substantially involved in its management;
(3) It has a relationship with a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. where it is apparent that it unjustly exploits the Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. in order to wrongfully benefit itself or a third party or cause damage to a third party;
(4) It has a relationship with a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. where it is apparent that it provides funds or benefits to or is otherwise similarly involved with the Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc.; or
(5) Any of its officers or other persons who are substantially involved in its management has a socially condemnable relationship with a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc.
9-2. If it is found that Exhibitor, its agent or intermediary falls under a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. or any one of the items of the preceding paragraph in violation of the assurance made by Exhibitor under the preceding paragraph, the organizer may cancel Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition without any demand.
9-3. If Exhibitor has a subcontract, consignment or any other form of contract with a third party in relation to its participation in the exhibition (hereinafter, a “Related Contract”) and it is found that the party to the Related Contract, the agent or intermediary acting thereunder falls under a Member of an Organized Crime Group, etc. or any one of the items of the preceding paragraph, the organizer may demand that Exhibitor cancel the Related Contract or otherwise take any necessary action.
9-4. If the organizer demands that any action be taken under the preceding paragraph against the party to the Related Contract with Exhibitor and that party fails to comply with the demand, it may cancel Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition.

[10] Handling of personal information

10-1. The owner of personal information collected in relation to the exhibit is the secretariat office of the Poultry & Pig Show (hereinafter, the “Secretariat Office”). Collected personal information may be used, provided and disclosed to a third party for the following purposes.
● Use for various communications from the Secretariat Office to Exhibitors
● Provision to a subcontractor or contractor under a confidentiality agreement for information sharing or a shipping agency service
● Disclosure in various printed materials (e.g., exhibition information, invitation tickets, exhibition guidebook, official website, official Facebook page or other platforms) and exhibition outcome reports
● Subscription to an email newsletter
● Provision to exhibit visitors and mass media
● Use as statistical data
● When required by laws and regulations
10-2. If Exhibitor acquires “personal information” through the exhibit or otherwise, it shall do so lawfully and appropriately and in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations. Exhibitor shall use such information within the scope of purposes of use, which shall be published or notified to the relevant individuals. Specifically, any third-party provision of “personal information” shall require the “consent” of the data subject of such information.
10-3. Exhibitor shall appropriately manage and utilize “personal information” acquired through the exhibit or otherwise in consistency with “safety management” as required by law.